天文匯攝影集 AstroLink photo album


天文匯攝影小組初鳴啼聲!經歷前後六年前往世界各地拍攝不同天文題材,選出最精彩、最具代表的天文照片並輯錄成首部天文日與夜照片大全:天文攝影的日與夜。本集收錄過百張於世界各地攝得的珍貴天文照片,當中更有不少攝於香港本土,更具收藏價值。 本相集由天文匯主席彭栩怡親自選材及編輯,並由天文匯攝影小組以及天文匯顧問兼香港月球拍攝專家鮑國全先生全力協助製作,實為美學及科學並存的天文相集。


AstroLink photo album: The Days & Nights in Astrophotography

After 6 years of preparation, AstroLink is proud to present our first astrophotography album: The Days & Nights in Astrophotography. This astrophotography album has collected over hundreds of excited astrophotographs from different parts of the world, with a number of them taken locally in Hong Kong! With the tireless support from our photography team and also our consultant Mr. K.C. PAU, a renowned lunar photographer in Hong Kong, our director, Mr. Huey PANG, has put his entire effort in making this astrophotography album not only scientifically collectable, but also as a piece of marvelous artwork.

Pre-order will be available soon
